Moontides began the narrative dance theatre work of The MoveShop. With the aid of "The Professor" and "The Title-Card Girl", the audience is transported into the world of "The Woman of Jermoondi" who escapes from her mundane life in rural Ohio by falling into a watery dream. Within this liquid vision, she rediscovers a lost love - "The Man Who Smelled of Crushed Grapes," and his debilitating struggle with addiction. Through emotionally charged modern dance performances, Moontides recounts a tale of rekindled love and the personal obstacles standing in its way.
Briana Carlson-Goodman
Olivia Micou Cerf
Dana E. Fitchett
Ricardo Foster Jr.
Eliza Lay
Cydney McQuillan-Grace
Isabelita Mendoza
Erin Newhall
Ben Sloane
Colin Summers
Director & Co-Producer: Leslie Guyton
Choreographer & Co-Producer: Liza Hostetler-Ingalls
Costume Designer: Numidas Prasarn
Lighting Designer: Erik Fox
Sound Designer: Andy Chugg
Stage Manager: Rowan Salem